5 Ways to Improve your Author Website SEO

5 Ways to Improve your Author Website SEO

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a set of techniques designed to push a site up the list of results returned by a search engine, increasing the site’s visibility and maximizing visitor numbers. It’s easy to get bogged down in the jargon of SEO but the overall goal is simply to make your site user-friendly, search-engine friendly and full of relevant and useful content that can be easily shared.

How Successful Authors Conquer Self-Doubt

How Successful Authors Conquer Self-Doubt

Creative doubt can be a crippling force, stopping you from writing or showing your work. It’s the what-if questions asked late at night – What if no one likes my book? What if people judge me on my writing? What if I’m laughed at? What if no one buys anything I write ever again?

Know this - You are not alone. Ever since humans begun to create they have been plagued by thoughts of fear and inadequacy.

Struggling to Finish Your Novel? 5 Tips to Refocus and Get It Done

Struggling to Finish Your Novel? 5 Tips to Refocus and Get It Done

When you started out it was glorious but now those days are nothing more than a distant memory. If you have wandered off track, lost some motivation or pushed your book to the side now's the time to refocus. Here's five easy steps to get you back on track and on your way to finishing off that novel once and for all. 

4 Tips for a Best-Selling Book Cover

4 Tips for a Best-Selling Book Cover

80% of readers say the book cover plays a decisive role in their decision to buy. Your book cover is the first thing readers see when browsing a collection, digitally and in print, so it's essential that it stand out. A great cover creates readership connection, builds your author brand and gives you a competitive edge in the market. Here we set out our top four tips to designing a best-selling cover and ensuring your masterpiece isn't overlooked. 

Three Reasons Your Book Isn't Selling

Three Reasons Your Book Isn't Selling

You've written it, published and now you sit there waiting for the sales to roll on in. There is only one problem - your book isn't selling. Poor book sales can happen to any author and be due to any number of reasons. Here is a few factors to consider to ensure sales success. 

Five Free Ways to Market Your Book

Five Free Ways to Market Your Book

Some writers never bother with marketing. They simply go on writing and publishing. Their books are read a little here and there. They hope for more, but never put forth the effort of learning how to master their marketing. Unfortunately, marketing is a new and sometimes scary area for writers. If that sounds like you, it doesn't have to be that way. Here are five free and easy ways writers can market their book. 

The Biggest Marketing Mistake New Authors Make

The Biggest Marketing Mistake New Authors Make

You worked hard on your book, navigated the publishing maze now all that is left to do is wait while it flies out the door. Yet the days go past, the weeks, months. You begin to despair. Why isn't your book selling? This isn't how it was meant to be. 

Never Write a Boring Author Bio Again

Never Write a Boring Author Bio Again

If we want to connect with our readers we need to let them into our world. Although the elusive writer figure has been much romanticized in the past, these days a well-written author bio is an essential part of building your brand. It should be succinct and reflect your personality. Writing an author bio can be unnerving, especially for new authors, so here's a few tips to ensure your author bio doesn't put readers to sleep.