The ongoing coronavirus outbreak has seen an abrupt and significant change in our daily lives. For a large proportion of us, this means self-isolation and more time at home. As this new reality sets in you may find yourself with more time on your hands. For some, it’s the perfect time to finally write that novel. The one you are always saying you’ll write someday. So, how can you maximize your writing productivity during quarantine without losing your sanity? Here are my top tips to make the most of your newfound time.

Set up a productive writing space

Having a dedicated writing area is essential for prioritizing your work. It can be a spare room, the end of the kitchen bench or a screened-off corner of the lounge. Experiment to find a spot that works for you. Consider the ergonomics of your space. Your keyboard should be at a suitable height so you don’t have to overextend trying to reach your work. Make sure your seating is functional and comfortable. Take advantage of the natural lighting available and use full-spectrum light bulbs rather than fluorescent lighting to reduce eyestrain. With a few adjustments, you can turn even the simplest spot into a productive writing space.

Write at the best time for you

Some of us are morning birds while others write best in the quiet hours of the night. Find out when you are at your most creative and schedule your writing time in these hours. Make it important and treat it the same as you would any other unbreakable commitment.

Create a writing routine

Having a writing routine provides an automatic kick-start to get in the writing zone. It can be as simple as making a cup of coffee or clearing off your desk. Some writers find exercising beforehand helps get them into a creative frame of mind while others prefer to turn on some soothing music and light a few candles. Create a routine that signals to yourself that writing is about to begin. 

Distractions are the enemy to creative work

Eliminate as many distractions as possible before you begin writing. Close the door (if you have one), hang up a ‘do not disturb sign’, put on some noise-canceling headphones or write at time when everyone else is asleep. There is no bigger time thief than the internet so turn off your phone and disconnect from the Wifi. This is your time to write so guard it carefully.  

Take Breaks

Studies show that taking regular breaks (a short rest every 30-60 minutes) increases productivity and creativity. Writing for extended periods of time without a break can lead to eye-strain, exhaustion and burn-out so do your story a favor and step away from the desk from time to time. Try splitting your writing up into timed sprints, where you write for 25 minutes before taking a short break. 


Writing can be a lonely pastime, especially during quarantine, but you don’t have to go it alone. Join online writing groups and connect with your fellow writers via social media. Let your friends and family know that you are writing so they can support you and cheer you on.

Look after yourself

Self-care is vital to getting those words down on the page so move your body regularly, stock up on healthy snacks, ask for support when you need it and get plenty of sleep. When you are done writing for the day take a few minutes to completely unwind. Meditate, breathe deeply or do some light yoga. Writing a novel is a mammoth undertaking so be kind to yourself and celebrate the small wins on your journey.