Viewing entries tagged
time management

12 Ways to Get More Writing Done

12 Ways to Get More Writing Done

We all wish we had more time in the day to write. Perhaps you’ve felt despondent by the days, weeks, or even years being swallowed up by endless obligations that don’t allow you the time you need to work on your manuscript. Given that a thirty-hour day isn’t coming anytime soon, let's look at how you can make the better use of the writing time you do have.

How Authors Find Time to Write

How Authors Find Time to Write

Think you don’t have time to write? Think again. The truth is even the busiest person can find time to write, be it as little as ten minutes a day. Many famous authors including Anne Rice, Toni Morrison and Harper Lee wrote their books while holding down full-time jobs and many authors continue to write while juggling family commitments. The truth is we all have the same amount of time in a day and it’s up to us what we do with it. Here are six ways authors fit writing into their lives. 

How Authors Can Spend Less Time on Social Media Marketing

How Authors Can Spend Less Time on Social Media Marketing

Ah social media, the great double-edged sword of book marketing. On one hand, it is a fantastic tool for reaching readers, building a following and promoting your books, on the other, it can be a major source of distraction and wasted time. Here's how to market your book without frittering away those precious writing hours.

5 Proven Ways to Establish a Daily Writing Habit

5 Proven Ways to Establish a Daily Writing Habit

All successful authors do one thing: they write. The more consistently the better. While you don´t have to stick to a daily writing habit to be productive, it certainly helps. So, if you are a binge writer wanting to give daily writing a try here are 5 sure-fire ways to get started.

Balancing Writing With Book Marketing

Balancing Writing With Book Marketing

If you are an author then you are also a marketer. Long gone are the days when you could just upload your book to Amazon and it would sell itself. Increasingly author life is one of entrepreneurialism. You are responsible for not only writing but also the marketing of your book and balancing both is an ongoing juggling act. So before you self-combust from overwhelm at all the tasks you have ahead of you, here are our tips for mastering the balance between writing and book marketing. 

Simplify your Social Media in 3 Easy Steps

Simplify your Social Media in 3 Easy Steps

As a writer your book marketing to-list can seem endlessly long. Often authors are already juggling multiple roles with full-time work, writing, childcare and other responsibilities. You may be navigating the steep learning curve of self-publishing, on top of which you are expected to do all your own book marketing and now maintain a regular presence on social media as well. How to fit in time for Twitter, Facebook and Instagram when it all seems too much? Let’s look at how you can work smarter instead of harder by simplifying your social media in three easy steps.