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Quick Ways to Attract Readers to Your Author Website

Quick Ways to Attract Readers to Your Author Website

If you’ve already successfully launched your website but are finding there are barely any visits and even fewer purchases of your book, it may be time to reassess your website strategy. Here we run through some quick ways to boost your traffic and reach new readers. 

The Ultimate Author Website

The Ultimate Author Website

Your author website is the center of your online marketing. A hub for connecting with your readers, engaging new fans and ultimately selling more books. A successful author website helps build your author brand and credibility while promoting your work. To ensure that your site is magnetically attracting readers we’ve put together a list of essentials so you can quickly review what is working, what is missing and what can be improved upon.

5 Ways to Improve your Author Website SEO

5 Ways to Improve your Author Website SEO

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a set of techniques designed to push a site up the list of results returned by a search engine, increasing the site’s visibility and maximizing visitor numbers. It’s easy to get bogged down in the jargon of SEO but the overall goal is simply to make your site user-friendly, search-engine friendly and full of relevant and useful content that can be easily shared.