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Branding 101 for Authors: Build a Bulletproof Author Brand

Branding 101 for Authors: Build a Bulletproof Author Brand

What is an author brand? And how do you create yours? Branding is something many authors gloss over or completely ignore, leaping into creating a persona that alienates and confuses their readers. In this post we look at how to define your author brand and leverage it to create a beautifully consistent reader-attracting author platform.

Promoting Yourself: The Tale of a Reluctant Author

Promoting Yourself: The Tale of a Reluctant Author

Promoting my book felt like showing-off at a time when I was especially vulnerable. I’d put my name to a novel. Telling people about the work was tantamount to suggesting they buy a copy. Describing it as Romantic Comedy not only suggested I thought I could tell a story but that I was funny. Who did I think I was? As you can tell, I was apologetic, and, I’ll admit, slightly neurotic, and yet I really wanted people to read the story.

Twitter Tips for Authors

Twitter Tips for Authors

Twitter has been the social media author platform of choice for years now and despite competition from newer social media (Instagram, anyone?) Twitter’s popularity continues to increase. Twitter now has 330 million monthly active users and that number is growing by 4% annually. With so many people in the literary community on Twitter it’s a fantastic place to connect with fellow authors, agents, publishers and industry professionals. In this post we look at the top Twitter tips to increase your tweet visibility and connect with more readers than ever before.

Going Live on Social Media - Tips for Authors

Going Live on Social Media - Tips for Authors

Video has been dominating marketing for some time now and going live leverages the benefits even further. Live streaming on social media is a fantastic way to stand out from the author crowd and connect with your readers in real time. The average adult consumes more than five hours of video per day and over a fifth of that amount is on mobile devices. With live streaming being available on almost every social media platform it’s becoming easier than ever to connect with your followers in real time.
If you are keen on trying out live streaming keep these tips in mind.

Organize an Epic Virtual Book Tour

Organize an Epic Virtual Book Tour

Build your own buzz with a virtual book tour, a two-week blitz of blog and social media appearances to reach new readers and connect with current fans. You don’t need a professional to do all the networking for you. Organize your own online promotional whirl-wind by following these steps.