With just hours to go until thousands of writers around the globe pick up pens, dust off their laptops and attempt to write a 50,000-word novel in the space of 30 days, you might find feeling more than a little unprepared. This article, my slightly-stressed out future novelist friends, is for you! There is no time to waste so let’s have a look at how you can pull together a last-minute plan to get you across the NaNoWriMo finish line.
Struggling to make progress with your writing? Lacking motivation or find yourself procrastinating rather than doing the work? Sticking with writing goals can be challenging. Especially given that writers are often working in isolation with self-imposed goals and schedules. In this post, we look at 7 simple strategies to hit those writing goals.
You started out strong, full-of-inspiration, ready to do-this-thing. Yet now you find yourself marooned in the middle of Camp Nanowrimo, having serious doubts about your novel. Do not, I repeat, do not give up now. You have done an amazing job to get this far. Today I’m turning to our author interviews for the best advice on how to beat back those self-doubt demons and power the rest of the way through, even when you think your writing stinks.
We are all drowning in distractions. From the daily should-dos to social media, the latest Netflix episodes, and general busy-ness. Life is a constant fight for our attention. The problem? Writing needs focus. Writing needs a depth of concentration that doesn’t lend itself to multi-tasking. The good news? Only you decide where your attention and focus goes. Here are some rules to guide you.
Writing can be a rollercoaster. Some days the words are flowing and you are completely in the zone. Other days it’s the opposite. Your book is floundering and your willpower appears to have packed up and left town. Some days you just don’t feel like writing. If you are having one of those days look no further. We’ve compiled 17 nuggets of writerly wisdom in the hope that you’ll move on inspired, motivated and ready to write.