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7 Simple Strategies to Achieve your Writing Goals

7 Simple Strategies to Achieve your Writing Goals

Struggling to make progress with your writing? Lacking motivation or find yourself procrastinating rather than doing the work? Sticking with writing goals can be challenging. Especially given that writers are often working in isolation with self-imposed goals and schedules. In this post, we look at 7 simple strategies to hit those writing goals.

How to Stay Authentic while Marketing your Book

How to Stay Authentic while Marketing your Book

Marketing a written product is a challenge. Books require a high level of investment which is, in itself, a tougher sell in today's “Insta-story” world. Increasing your sales, brand awareness, and exposure requires creativity and organization. I've found several modes of marketing to be worthwhile if the author is willing to be proactive and exit his or her comfort zone. These methods have helped me since the release of my first novel in 2006 and continued to bring positive results for the three books that followed. Here are some helpful, low to no-cost techniques to aid any stage of your publishing journey.

Book Marketing Minimalism for Authors : Doing more with less

Book Marketing Minimalism for Authors : Doing more with less

Minimalist book marketing is simple. It is about eliminating the non-essentials, honing in on your ideal reader and doing away with what isn’t working. It is about ignoring overly complicated marketing approaches, setting out a simple plan that fits your needs and establishing genuine relationships with your readers.

How Authors Can Spend Less Time on Social Media Marketing

How Authors Can Spend Less Time on Social Media Marketing

Ah social media, the great double-edged sword of book marketing. On one hand, it is a fantastic tool for reaching readers, building a following and promoting your books, on the other, it can be a major source of distraction and wasted time. Here's how to market your book without frittering away those precious writing hours.