Chances are that at some point in your writing career you will be asked to speak and while a bit of anxiety prior to a speech is normal it shouldn’t hold you back from connecting with your readers. We look at what you can do to calm your nerves and spread the word about your book.
Last week I had an author tell me that they would love to properly market their book but they felt that they had to be a millionaire to do it. Um, what? While no-one is going to tell you that some savvy advertising investment won’t help build your author brand, do you have to have a million dollars to make it happen? Definitely not. Here are 7 totally free book marketing ideas that you can get started on today.
Promoting my book felt like showing-off at a time when I was especially vulnerable. I’d put my name to a novel. Telling people about the work was tantamount to suggesting they buy a copy. Describing it as Romantic Comedy not only suggested I thought I could tell a story but that I was funny. Who did I think I was? As you can tell, I was apologetic, and, I’ll admit, slightly neurotic, and yet I really wanted people to read the story.
Build your own buzz with a virtual book tour, a two-week blitz of blog and social media appearances to reach new readers and connect with current fans. You don’t need a professional to do all the networking for you. Organize your own online promotional whirl-wind by following these steps.