Andrea R. Cooper has always enjoyed inventing characters and stories, but it wasn’t until her late twenties that she began writing novels. The catalyst: a devastating divorce and disillusionment followed by meeting her now husband and slowly regaining her belief in love and magic.

What made you want to be a writer? How did you begin writing?

I wanted to be a storyteller. I grew-up creating characters and stories and then acting them out with the neighborhood kids. Soon I became an adult but the characters wouldn’t leave me alone.

Fallen Book Cover - Author Andrea R. Cooper

What inspires you to write?

Telling a story and revealing characters inspires me. I have to create and since I’m not artistic in any other way, this is my craft.

Is there any particular incident that has happened along your writing journey that you’d like to share?

When I received my first fan letter, I was amazed that someone loved my stories enough to take the time to write me. It touched me and helped me through a dry spell in my writing career.

Do you have any advice for aspiring authors?

Read, Write, Critique (either in a group or with partners or beta readers). Repeat.

Lyric Book Cover - Author Andrea R. Cooper

Any advice for approaching publishers?

Do the research. Find out if they are accepting submissions, what kind, and who to contact if possible. Then keep trying.

What do you think is the biggest marketing challenge for new authors?

Finding their audience and making time for marketing.

What methods of book marketing do you find the most effective? 

BookBub. However, I’ve sold books when I’ve just talked with people about their profession, lives, and families. Then mention I’m an author when they ask. Usually they’ll buy a book or at least pass on one of my business cards to a friend.

How do you handle rejection as a writer?

With publishers? It’s all about being at the right time and place and having a good story. With reviewers, I have a glass of wine and something made of chocolate to get through a bad review. Then I go read all the low star reviews of my favorite authors. And if that doesn’t work, repeat the wine and chocolate.

Is there anything else you’d like to share with aspiring writers?

Don’t give up. Find beta readers or a critique group and write, edit, write. Learn everything you can about your strengths and weakness and understand how to develop both.

Find more about Andrea R. Cooper via her website and social media: Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads and her blog.