Stuck for what to include in your author email newsletter? An author newsletter can be one of the most powerful tools in your book marketing toolkit but it isn't always easy to create enticing content. Last week we looked at some easy email marketing tips for authors, including how often to contact your email list and structuring your email newsletter. In today’s post we'll be looking at some content ideas that your readers are going to love receiving. So let’s dive in!

1. Reader-generated content

Receiving fan art? Photos of readers holding your book? Questions about the story or inspiration behind the story? Respond to your readers by featuring their photos and artwork in your newsletter (make sure to get their consent first). Run a competition for the best fan art inspired by your latest book or a giveaway for photos of your book in unusual locations. Feature the winners, and interesting entries, in your newsletter.  

2. Curated content

Why do your readers read your books? Is it for entertainment, escapism, romance or learning? What other content can you include to satisfy that interest? Historical fiction author Phillipa Gregory includes interesting historical snippets on her website. Think of how you could add content bites to grab your reader’s interest.

3. Your creative process

Give your readers an insight into your story creation process: the initial inspiration, development, world creation and how your characters have evolved. Take your readers behind-the-scenes on your books. Offer both a written and visual glimpse of your creative process with images and videos of your story settings, your current work-in-progress and Q & A sessions.

4. Your story

Share your backstory with your readers. Why did you begin writing? What led you up to this point? Your newsletter is your place to build up your personal connection with your readers. Don’t be afraid to share your successes, failures and lessons you have learnt along the way.

5. Inspiring authors

What books and authors inspired you to put pen to paper? How has their writing influenced yours? This can be as much about authors you admired during your childhood as about fellow authors you have met on your writing journey. Include your favorite author quotes, beautiful book covers and characters or settings that have captured your imagination.

6. Current reads

Chat about your current reads and your to-be-read pile, especially how it ties in to the genre that you are writing. Let your readers know what upcoming book releases you are excited about and what is inspiring you at the moment.  

7. Events

Mention important author events, including book launches, cover reveals, book birthdays, research trips, publishing milestones and writer’s conferences. Offer your readers a glimpse into the life of a writer. 

8. ‘Email Only’ content

Exclusive ‘email only’ giveaways, bonus content and tips give your readers a reason to open your emails.